Saturday, November 11, 2023

At The Franciscan Church of St. Bonaventure



The Church as a Joyful and Persuasive Moral Guide for Society

Can the voice of the Church be strengthened as a moral light for society by promoting:

  • The values of:
    • truth
    • freedom
    • justice, and
    • charitable love
  • The principles of:
    • the dignity and sanctity of life
    • the common good
    • solidarity, and
    • subsidiarity (personal and group responsibility)
  • Virtues of:
    • humility
    • respect


This conference is meant to serve as a gathering with at least two purposes:

Sharing ideas and missions, networking and conversation – we are planting seeds for future conversation and cooperation

Educating the Institute and each other in what is being done and what remains to be done


David Mulroney

Mr. David Mulroney, former Canadian Ambassador to China and former President of the University of Saint Michael’s College.

Dr. Connie Price

Dr. Connie Price, PhD, co-Director of the Office of Formation for Discipleship for the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Peter Stockland

Mr. Peter Stockland, Publisher of the Catholic Register Newspaper.


Series of Short Presentations

  • Education
  • Parish Life
  • Family Life
  • Public Square

Luncheon Presentation

  • CAPP (Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice)
  • Lumen Forum

Dinner Presentation

  • Truth & Charity in Media



Ticket Pricing & Information

Daytime Conference + Dinner Event ticket includes continental breakfast, lunch, and dinner. – $150.00
Daytime Conference Only ticket includes continental breakfast and lunch – $85.00

Pre-Conference Co-Event